MEMORY OF LANDSCAPE (Part 1. Richard’s and Samuel’s Train) LANDSCAPE OF MEMORY (Part 2, Julia’s Train)
Petra Tenorová, Matěj Samec and co.
A combined project of Prague DAMU and Państwowa Wyzsza Szkola Teatralna Krakow-Wroclaw, 2008
A Czech-Polish theatrical road-movie for two nights – two performances which are independent on each other and yet complement each other.
an unusual ride through Central European landscapes
an unusual journey to get to know other countries, other people, other bodies, other languages and above all oneself
unusual departures and arrivals, meetings and leavings, souls which consort with bodies and obviously, the death in your eyes which had eaten my brain
what you see, may not be visible to others and on the contrary, what others see may be concealed to you, for example, have you noticed the drop of blood on the little finger of that young woman who has just walked past?
however, whatever happened, whatever was going on, it left a trace in time and space
in the mountains, the air
and in the forever altered sky
an unusual submersion into one’s own memory
- Directed by: Petra Tejnorová
- Dramaturge: Matěj Samec
- Production: Alžběta Brabencová, Kasia Kostenko, Jan Topinka, Zoja Zupková
- Stage Design: Antonín Šilar
- Costumes: Marie Černíková
- Sound design: Jonáš Rosůlek, Jonáš Strouhal,Vratislav Šrámek
- Choreography support: Lucia Kašiarová
- Cast: richard pawel siwiak samuel milan hajn dora štěpánka glogarová julie katarzyna joda matka dory julia mańkowska tety, černé dámy anna narloch, martyna rozwadowska dále: stín dory daria iwan stín julie elena volpi vzpomínka na annabelle johana vaňousová jana kollertová miluji auta adam kubišta tomáš běhal daria iwan ona ji zabila elena volpi
- Photo: A. Vosičková